Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs involved?

Cost break down for using eDonation:

  1. No start up fees!
  2. Our actual credit card fees from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and/or Discover, plus bank fees and Internet processing charges.
  3. A $25 monthly secure server charge.
  4. A percentage of funds raised if we are engaged for copy writing, email sends, fundraising, advertising, social media, etc.

How much do I have to do?

Very little. After submitting basic information about your organization and key items such as a logo and text for the contribution page, we will build your pages.

How long does it take to set up?

In most cases, a new eDonation setup can be operational for your organization within one business day.

Do I need to open accounts with Visa, Mastercard, Amex, or Discover?

No, we arrange to process your contributions via our Merchant ID Number.

But can I use my own merchant account?


Is eDonation secure?

Absolutely. Your supporter information – personal and financial – is encrypted and protected to ensure the security of personal data. eDonation does not keep or own any of your contributor information.

Credit card contribution pages run on SSL technology to protect the passing of sensitive data when contribution is made and the credit card is processed. The eDonation system, including credit card processing website pages and contributor data reports, is fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.

Credit card data is never stored on the system, including those for recurring contributions. Contributor data for reporting purposes (not credit card data) is maintained on Amazon Cloud Servers (AWS). AWS’ data centers and network architecture meet the top security requirements and provide a stable and secure infrastructure that has redundant storage to ensure data is secured after a contribution is completed.

Who owns my contributor list?

You do!

Can I control who on our team can export the contributor list?

Absolutely. Our team can change data export permissions anytime.

How does the charge appear on the donor’s credit card statement?

The charge will appear as “Camsol Your Name” on a user’s credit card or bank statement.

Is the contribution page customized to my organization?

Yes. Contribution pages are designed to mimic your website or other materials, resulting in a seamless experience for your supporters. You will provide the words and text for automated thank you emails.

How do I know who contributed to my organization?

You have 24/7 access to a searchable online database to view key contributor information in real-time. Reports are fully exportable into commonly used software such as Excel.

Ready to get started?
Please call us at (703) 684-3435, email, or fill out the form below to learn more about